Eeksha Stars 
Methodology and Certification
(eeksha*, eeksha**, eeksha***, eeksha****, eeksha*****) 

education without character is like a building without a foundation

Benefits of adopting the Eeksha Methodology

Students’ academic performance will improve dramatically
Students will undergo all-round development into wholesome and happy human beings
School’s all-round performance will increase by deploying a scientific pedagogy that leverages ancient Indian wisdom and modern scientific approach

Benefits of formal Eeksha* Certification
School’s brand value will increase by independent and continuous annual evaluation and certification by
-- ratings go from 1-star to 5-stars, i.e, from Eeksha* to Eeksha*****, so the higher your institution’s rating the higher your brand value
Eeksha-star rated Schools will be listed and promoted on the website
Schools will receive guidance and help in implementing the eeksha methodology, towards certification and improved rating

Requirements for Eeksha* Certification

The Eeksha Methodology, as listed below, has to be implemented by the school and be subjected to surprise inspections. The number of stars achieved by your institution will depend on the extent of your implementation of the Eeksha methodology.

The Eeksha methodology leverages ancient Indian wisdom and modern scientific approach to improve teaching and learning in educational institutions. The devil is always in the details, so the methodology below lists several seemingly minute/trivial things, but they have great impact in the larger scheme of pedagogical methodology and are scientifically designed.


Eeksha* Requirements

[the number of stars in front of a requirement indicates that the requirement is compulsory to obtain that star-rating and higher ratings]

[* One Star:]

* teaching of concepts rather than rote memorization; periodic use of online tests or paper tests for technical subjects is compulsory so that the teaching of concepts can be verified
* classroom explanations of technical subjects to be given for the large part in the local language while retaining the English technical terms of the subject and using just enough English so that the students can answer the exams in English; will be verified via tests in local language on technical subjects
* class periods for all tough subjects to be scheduled in the forenoons only
* problem-solving periods (as in the case of inverted classrooms) to be held
* separate classes for boys and girls for sensitive subjects
* separate seating for boys and girls in case of mixed classes for non-sensitive subjects* compulsory outdoor games or outdoor yoga period of 45 minutes minimum daily, in open field and sunlight 
* compulsory lunch break of minimum 45 minutes daily 
* compulsory dress code of suitable and practical Indian style, for both students and teachers 
* sufficient school holidays for major local festivals

[** Two Stars:]

** language subjects of (i) Sanskrit and (ii) Hindi/local-language to be offered so that student can skip taking English as a subject 
** class periods of technically challenging subjects (e.g., Physics, Maths, etc) should not be held consecutively; each tough subject should be followed by a language period or music period or other lighter subject; problem-solving periods can be held consecutively for the same subject but with a mandatory 6-minute physical break after every 24 minutes
** successive class periods should be in different class rooms, so that students have to get up and walk after each period
** classes for any given subject to be held at the same time of day (i.e., same period) on all the days the subject is taught
** each class period to end with 4-minute quiz on topic covered, leaving 15 minutes for the lecture and 3 minutes for the summary of the lecture

[*** Three Stars:]

*** separate, personalised teaching methods for boys and girls 
*** classroom student seating on the floor, in yoga style [low-height writing desk is allowed but not required; seating benches are not allowed]
*** class period of duration 24-minutes (1-“ghalige”) only, followed by a 6-minute physical break 
*** each class period to start with chanting of 3 OM-kaaras and bhraamari (1 minute) and end with chanting of 1 OM-kaara and seated yoga nidra (1 minute)

[***** Five Stars:]

***** separate, personalised teaching methods based on learning styles of the students 
***** daily Vedic chanting for eligible boys only, to enhance brain power; suitable alternative singing and chanting for girls likewise
***** use of Yoga Nidra and other specialised yogic techniques to enhance learning
***** specialized saatvik diet for students to enhance learning and behaviour
***** teaching of moral science, ethics, and Indian values to complement technical knowledge
***** school holidays according to Hindu calendars that are based on Sun or Moon movements, rather than English calendars

~~~~ promotes a 
unique methodology of teaching and learning that results in 
high performance and all-round development of students.